"The only way in which a human being can make some approach to knowing the whole of a subject is by hearing what can be said about it by persons of every variety of opinion and studying all modes in which it can be looked at by every character of mind. No wise man ever acquired his wisdom in any mode but this." -John Stuart Mill

Monday, February 1, 2010

Pelosi and Partisanship

“We’ll go through the gate. If the gate’s closed, we’ll go over the fence. If the fence is too high, we’ll pole-vault in. If that doesn’t work, we’ll parachute in. But we’re going to get health care reform passed for the American people, for their own personal health and economic security, and for the important role that it will play in reducing the deficit.”
- Nancy Pelosi, on a proposal to pass comprehensive healthcare reform as a series of separate bills


  1. Pelosi says she wants healthcare passed for the American people, but both the senate and house bills are interested in providing healthcare to 30 million people. So my question is, the 30 million, is that the amount of people they intend to provide healthcare to, with the assumption that the rest of the US will have private plans?

  2. She means that the goal is to extend coverage to 30 million people who are currently uninsured, regardless of whether these individuals would end up with public plans (i.e. Medicaid) or private plans that they could purchase with the help of sliding-scale subsidies. It isn't a matter of the government "giving healthcare" to the uninsured while leaving the status quo exactly as is for everyone else. The proposed reforms would have broad effects, but the end target is to have 30 million more people covered than are covered now after the dust settles.

  3. So its basically a 1.4 trillion dollar plan to completely insure ten percent of the United States
